Updated Notice of Data Privacy for Employees BMDL-12-30
Adoption of Privacy Shield Principles
For fifteen years the Safe Harbor transatlantic data sharing agreement set the ground rules for the proper transfer and handling of private electronic data from Moog’s European subsidiaries to Moog Inc. In October 2015 the Court struck down the Safe Harbor framework method of transfer. Since then Moog has used the provisions of EU-approved Standard Contractual Clause Agreements for its transfers. A new electronic data sharing framework called the Privacy Shield was adopted in July 2016 and Moog seeks to transfer private electronic data using this new agreement. Hence, the Notice of Data Privacy for Employees has been revised to reflect conformance/compliance with Privacy Shield Principles.
For questions please contact:
Cheryl Gray, Moog Privacy Compliance Officer
Policy Translations
- Politique en matière de confidentialité des données relatives aux employés
- Datenschutzrichtlinie für Betriebsangehörige
- Linee Di Indirizzo Per La Riservatezza Dei Dati Relativi Ai Dipendenti
- Politica de Privacidad para la Información de los Empleados
- 员工信息隐私政策
- Privacybeleid voor Medewerkersinformatie
- 従業員情報のプライバシーポリシー
- 직원 정보를위한 개인 정보 보호 정책
- Política de Privacidade para Informação do Empregado