Vibration Suppression Control

Spacecraft vibration and shock isolation systems including SoftRide, ShockWave, payload adapters including ESPA, CubeSat carriers supported by multi-payload sequencers, electromagnetic actuators, ground test equipment and shock testing services.



ShockWave isolator product family is the perfect solution for small payload and cubesat launch isolation.

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Moog’s SoftRide vibration isolation systems protect whole satellites from the rough ride into orbit. SoftRide also provides some shock isolation and reduces transmission of energy that drives acoustic loading.

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Tuned Mass Dampers and Absorbers

tuned Mass Damper

Tuned mass dampers, or TMDs, are resonant devices used to suppress or absorb vibration. When installed properly on a machine or structure, they draw away vibrational energy from the structure or machine and dissipate it internally, reducing the motion of the machine.

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Vibration Testing

vibration testing

Moog provides end to end vibration test services with a system that is capable of replicating random, swept sine, shock (both classical and SRS) and arbitrary transient waveforms with temperature control and notched drive inputs.

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Shock Testing

shock testing

Moog Engineering provides shock testing services with a test system that is ideally suited for quick turnaround while minimizing over-testing. The system uses high energy mechanical impacts to replicate pyrotechnic events.

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Vibration and Jitter Mitigation

vibration and jitter mitigation

We ensure your mission’s success by reducing vibration and vibration-induced jitter for satellite observation, science, reconnaissance, and communication payloads.

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Launch Locked Isolation

launch locked isolation

Moog has developed launch locked isolation modules and struts to suspend payloads on a hexapod structure with mechanical in-strut isolators.  During launch, the isolators are locked, and once on-orbit, the isolators unlock to provide vibration isolation to the payload. This allows very high strength and stiffness during launch and a soft highly-damped isolation while on orbit.  Isolation frequencies below 10Hz are typical, and the release device outputs zero shock to the payload during deployment.

Small Reaction Wheel Isolation

launch locked isolation

The Moog reaction wheel isolator is customizable and scalable for a wide range of wheel sizes.

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